


Unlock tailored opportunities at Bits & Pretzels: strengthen your network, secure capital, and generate leads as a startup founder.

Limited to
Some events are simply to big?

5,000 attendees is the perfect size. We value quality over quantity for your perfect network experience.
Founder-Investor Meetings*
You want to meet investors? This is the place.

Investors come to Bits & Pretzels to hunt for hot startups. Pack your day with meetings and have the most efficient three days of your year.
*numbers based on bits22 event app data.
3.6bn €
raised after bits23*
Top founders come to Bits & Pretzels year after year.

They know that once a year all their peers and investors meet in Munich. A can't miss opportunity.
*amount raised amongst startups exhibiting & speaking at bits22
390bn €
of assets under management
3-days in Munich during the Oktoberfest.

There is no better way to catch up with fellow VCs, LPs, and Founders from seed stage to unicorn status.


Are you a startup looking to establish yourself in the market?

Then Startup Exhibition is your ideal opportunity. Network with key stakeholders and investors. It is your chance to gain an early competitive advantage for your company.

Learn more

Attending investors

Table Captain meetings

Join a Table Captain at the world-famous Oktoberfest celebration, where you'll have the opportunity to connect with industry leaders and engage in inspiring discussions over a cold bier.